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For the first time at the Industrial University of Tyumen, at the Institute of Service and Sectoral Management, a Master’s program taught in English has been launched. The title of the program: Advertising Media Business.

The profession of a specialist in advertising and public relations is considered one of the “youngest” in the labor market — the average age of this professional group does not exceed 30 years. The advertising business in Russia is successfully developing at a quick pace, not least because of the growth of the Russian advertising market which annually exceeds 30 percent, and in some media — like the Internet — the growth is the highest in the world. The potential for the demand of young creative professionals is consequently high. This Master’s program not only provides the necessary set of professional competencies for future specialists — from research and market analysis to modern communication technologies. It allows you to master the principles of management in the media sphere, without them leadership in performing teams is impossible.

What will you learn?
A graduate will be able to solve the following professional tasks:
  • Mass communication theory
  • Organization of teamwork and leadership
  • Intercultural communication and international public relations
  • Modern media industry
  • History of public communications
  • Business foreign language
  • Digital technologies in advertising and public relations
  • Communication agency management
  • Communication project management
  • Marketing Information Systems
  • Development and implementation of communication strategies
  • Ecosystem of digital communications.
  • Integrated communications management.
  • Creative technologies in the infosphere
  • Development and promotion of an advertising product in the digital environment
  • Big data in communication strategies
  • Reputation management
  • Сrisis management communications
  1. Interactive Marketing
  2. Performance marketing
  3. Rewriting and posting in the digital environment
  4. Web communication tools
  5. Professional ethics in the media space
  6. Advertising and public relations in the digital environment


The program focuses on the training of highly qualified logisticians — logistics managers, supply chain coordinators, analysts and researchers with an international methodology for strategic logistics management. This program is based on the modern theory and practice of integrated logistics and the use of innovative approaches to supply chain management theory.
Support by industrial partners:
Within the framework of the program cooperation with more than 20 industrial partners, including Schlumberger, DPD, Holding Avtograd, the General Department of Construction of the Tyumen Region, Russian Post, X5 Ritail Group, U-tair, etc. is organized.
The program is guided by the following principles:
  1. Study of advanced concepts and technologies of integrated logistics and delivery management, allowing companies to compete successfully in a dynamic business environment.
  2. Development of skills for comprehensive analytical studies of transport processes and systems in the business environment of the company.
  3. Development of skills for risk assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategy selected by the company based on a balanced system of indicators.
  4. Formation of skills for development of innovative management solutions based on knowledge of modern concepts of loss management in logistics systems.
  5. Study of modern concepts and technologies of simulation modeling, formation of skills of methods of simulation modeling of logistics processes to solve management problems.
  6. Who can apply:
    the courses are suitable for those who hold a Bachelor degree in Science & Engineering
    Start: September 1, 
    Duration: 2 years
    Study options: full-time
    Degree: Master 
    Start date: 1.09.
    Application available: from 15.05.  till 30.07.
    Division for International Students Recruitment,
    International Cooperation Department

    Whatsаpp: +7 961 201 8025
    Tel.: 7 (3452) 28 36 65
    E-mail: orsio@tyuiu.ru